
How to Include Tier Lists on Your Website

Alex Turner author of tier list website
Alex Turner
Tier town logo mark

By incorporating tier lists into your website, you can elevate the user experience, provide valuable information, and encourage engagement. We'll explore the steps to seamlessly integrate tier lists, making your website more informative and interactive.

How to Include Tier Lists on Your Website

Tier Lists on Websites

Tier lists serve as visual aids that categorize and rank items or entities based on predefined criteria. When integrated into your website, they offer several advantages. Firstly, they provide valuable information to your audience, helping them make informed decisions or understand complex subjects better. Secondly, tier lists can enhance user engagement by encouraging interaction and discussion. Lastly, they add an element of interactivity and visual appeal to your site, making it more captivating.

Whether you run a gaming blog, a review site, or any platform that involves categorization and ranking, including tier lists can be a game-changer. Let’s explore the steps to make this integration seamless and effective.

Creating and Customizing Your Tier List

Designing Your List: Before embedding a tier list on your website, you need to create one that aligns with your content and audience. Start by defining the criteria and categories for ranking. For example, if you’re running a video game blog, your tier list might categorize characters based on their abilities, popularity, or story significance.

Once you’ve outlined your criteria, use tier list creation tools or software to design and customize your list. These tools often provide templates, allowing you to choose the visual style that suits your website’s aesthetics. Customize the colors, fonts, and layout to seamlessly integrate with your site’s design.

Consider the preferences and expectations of your audience while customizing your tier list. A visually appealing and user-friendly design will enhance the overall experience.

Embedding Tier Lists

Technical Integration: Embedding a tier list on your website involves technical integration. Start by generating an embed code for your tier list using the tier list creation tool you’ve chosen. This code is a snippet of HTML that you’ll place within your website’s code.

Next, decide where you want to display your tier list on your website. You can include it within a blog post, create a dedicated page, or showcase it prominently on your homepage. Paste the generated embed code into the desired location in your website’s HTML.

Ensure that the tier list fits seamlessly into your website’s layout. Adjust the dimensions and position as needed to provide an optimal user experience.

Engaging Your Audience

Interactive Features: To make your tier list engaging and interactive, consider adding features that encourage user participation. Allow visitors to vote or comment on the items in the tier list, fostering discussion and community engagement.

Additionally, you can regularly update your tier list to reflect changes or new information. This keeps your content fresh and encourages visitors to return to your site for the latest rankings.

Encourage your audience to share their own tier lists or rankings related to the topic, creating a sense of involvement and community. Social media sharing buttons can facilitate this interaction.


Including tier lists on your website can be a valuable addition, enhancing user engagement and providing informative content. By creating and customizing a tier list that aligns with your site’s focus, embedding it using the provided code, and adding interactive features, you can make your website more dynamic and appealing to your audience. Whether you’re running a gaming blog, a review site, or any platform that benefits from ranking and categorization, tier lists can elevate your content and user experience.
